The announcement of Brian Kemp, governor of the US state of Georgia, that the restaurants would open on Monday got a reaction.

On the 20th of April, Georgia State Governor Brian Kemp announced that the restaurant in the state could reopen on Monday. The opening of the restaurants was not expected until the end of the shelter-in-place mandate, which will lift on April 30. Other mayors of state’s cities, including Atlanta’s mayor, were unaware of the decision according to Patricia Cobe’s news on the Restaurant Business Online. U.S. President Donald Trump, meanwhile, was angry at the decision, saying Georgia was still below the White House criteria. In the state of Georgia, only a few of the restaurant operators who have been waiting to open since the day they closed are ready to open, while some of them are unwilling to open. Even if they continue to work through the order, the restaurants that dine-in are not enough in terms of employees, food, supplies and cash. Many restaurant operators do not approve of the decision to open restaurants in terms of the health of employees and customers. Under the plan that governor Kemp announced on April 23, there will be 39 rules that restaurants will have to abide by. These rules include measuring fever, increasing table distances and separating bar chairs.



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