A can of wine; It can be fast, easy and convenient. But let’s face it, it’s not very classy. Tommy Banks takes an extraordinary step to destroy all these prejudices. He wants The Black Swan to be the first Michelin-starred place to pour canned wine into fancy glasses.

The UK is talking about the ‘can’ option to diversify winemakers and ensure vintage wine has more sustainable and environmentally friendly storage conditions. It is stated that 250 ml cans are easy to store and portable, as well as reduce alcohol consumption.

Tommy Banks was not indifferent to these innovative ideas in the wine industry and announced that he wants the Black Swan to be the first Michelin-starred restaurant to serve wine in a can, and added that the products will be launched in July. The fact that cans cost less than bottles also allows vintage wines to reach more people at more affordable prices. At his restaurant, Banks says customers can try a £70, £80 wine for half the price. Noting the recycling contribution of selling good wines in cans, Tommy Banks thinks it's wise to invest in smaller quantities of higher quality wine at dinner. In an industry as steeped in tradition as wine, will cans convince producers to switch from bottles?




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