Cristiana and Niko Romito will welcome food lovers until the end of the year with the special 20Reale20 menu that they prepared to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the 3 Michelin-starred restaurant Reale and its opening after the pandemic.

3 Michelin starred Reale, whose 20th anniversary coincides with the opening after quarantine on the same day, offers the 20Reale20 menu prepared for the 20th year until the end of the year. 20Reale20, which includes the most important dishes created by the world-renowned chef Niko Romito from 2000 to the present, takes the guests on a real journey of taste and history.

“We’ve never been as overwhelmed as in the past two months by booking requests from people who had this deep desire to learn about our story and taste the menu of our 20 years,” Cristiana said. “I have always strongly believed that research is the main source of the evolution of cuisine and gastronomy in general. The responsibility of a chef today is to give access to healthy and quality food. The pandemic is an event that must really force us to change habits and cliches, to explore new paths without fear of breaking pre-established patterns,” said Niko.



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