3 Michelin-starred chef Hajime Yoneda launched a petition calling the government to support restaurants during coronavirus and it has already had 90,000 signatures.

In Japan, which is in limbo like other countries, the restaurant sector is having a hard time. Conscious behaviour of the Japanese people, who stopped going out and continued their lives very carefully even before there was any announcement of the government, was bad for restaurants, even if it was good for the health sector. While many restaurants have tightened their belts to get over this process, some restaurants feel that they will not survive the economic impact of the process. According to Robbie Swinnerton’s article in the Japan Times, one of those not prepared for this crisis is Hajime Yoneda from Osaka, whose 3 Michelin-starred restaurant that he named after him. His petition at the end of March, in which he called on the state to support restaurants on rent, utility and employee pay, has already gathered 90,000 signatures.



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