The impact of the coronavirus outbreak soon turned the food system upside down, and one of the most affected was local farmers.

Local farmers were quite affected by the change in consumption habits of people after coronavirus. Local farmers who sell directly to local markets, schools, restaurants and other public places, began to produce new solutions to keep their sales going. Farmers who want to sell their products without face-to-face physical contact are turning to online platforms to sell their products as the harvest season approaches. Not only local farmers but also conscious consumers are looking for solutions to support local crop use and production. With online sites set up for local farmers to sell their products, both the consumer will be able to access local products and the farmer will be able to offer the product for sale without having physical contact.

Rob Spiro, the co-founder of “Good Eggs,” an online sales platform for small farms, said the firm was growing too fast before they understood the challenges of building a new food chain. Spiro said their business had increased since the coronavirus spread, adding that they had opened a new branch before the outbreak but were considering adding new farms to their site.



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