At the end of last November, 57 people from different parts of the world came together, including a neuro-surgeon, entomologist, botanist and a linguist, who traveled to the Amazon jungle for the traditional festival ‘Momento’ organized by Peruvian chief Virgilio Martinez and his sister Malena Martinez.

Unlike other gastronomy events, the 4-day festival is not a chef-oriented or food-centered event. Instead, it is an adventure where different professionals can exchange information and experience in one of the most biologically diversed places in the world.

Two different fifty percent came together

In a recent interview, the famous chef Martinez said; “food festivals need to change. We should make them as authentic and natural as we can” and adding that, in organizing Momento, they acted with the idea that there should be a ’different and special festival with no presentation, no tent, no stage or no ticket. The Peruvian chief, said that they were trying to create a perfect mix of different professions. Fifty percent of the list is composed of people who are related to food and the other fifty percent, are the group of people who do not think they’re related to food. The basic idea is to bring together a unique group of people with different professionalism around the food culture and to create bonds between these two different fifty percent.



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