The UK’s first-ever Food Waste Action Week will run between March 1-7 and will bring together citizens and organizations from retail, manufacturing, local government, hospitality, and across the industry to demonstrate the impact of wasted food on people, on business. Nonprofit organization WRAP is proud to organize Food Waste Action Week in partnership with some […]
The food-to-go retailer Greggs has pledged to provide 70,000 free meals to 1,000 UK schools by 2025. This goal is just one of ten commitments in the company’s sustainability plan. Greggs said the commitments focus on “stronger, healthier communities, a safer planet and better business”.
According to Eater London’s news, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has confirmed that restaurants, pubs, and cafes can reopen for outdoor dining in England no earlier than 12 April. Speaking in the House of Commons this afternoon, 22 February, Johnson also said that hospitality venues would begin to serve limited numbers of customers inside dining rooms no […]
Vienna-based vegan food tech company Revo Foods is unveiling its 3D-printed smoked salmon, called “Salmon With Attitude,” on March 6. The first tasting event of its 3D-printed smoked salmon will take place at Budapest Bagels in Vienna. Called “Salmon With Attitude,” the product looks just like real smoked salmon but was developed using new technology […]
Ukraine’s leading chefs Ievgen Klopotenko and Igor Mezencev recently hosted a gastronomy tour. In the tour organized by the chefs, the food culture of Ukraine, the historical and natural beauties of the country were introduced. Foodinlife Editor-in-chief Gökmen Sözen, who was taken on a gastronomy tour by two important chefs, had the opportunity to meet […]
According to Olive Oil Times’s news, Italy’s Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies has announced €69.2 million of funding for the country’s olive oil sector, with almost half of that sum coming from the European Union. The fund will be used to improve olive oil quality, lower the environmental impact of the country’s olive […]