Ana Roš, the chef of Hiša Franko, which was ranked 38th on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants list, was disciplined with her team every day and focused on development in quarantine.

On 12 March, with the state closing the borders, Ana Roš, chef of Hiša Franko, which was ranked 38th on the list of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants, is in quarantine with her team. By this time the team, who have learned a lot about themselves, their teammates and food, are coping with this situation by running, doing yoga and making ice cream. Successful chef Roš said, “I think we are all learning how to live with ourselves, and in a closed place. We are especially learning how to be patient with each other.” The team, who have not lost their discipline in this process, work for 7 hours every day between 10: 00 and 17: 00 in the morning, learning and working on projects they do not have time for because of the restaurant. Expanding their knowledge of wild plants, farming and dairy products, the team is working on a new ice cream project. Roš and her team, who bought fresh milk from farmers because no one bought milk from local farmers anymore, had incredible results from ice cream made with fresh milk. They try new flavours such as sage and honey, chamomile and green pepper with fresh mountain milk. The team has already planned to move into larger production and agreed to partner. Speaking to Fine Dining Lovers, Roš said: “We are probably realising something we would never have done before. Products from the valley with unique nature and forest and can go in everyone’s home. One day it will be an investment in the future, not just ours but of the whole valley, our technical help can realise products that are very interesting for the whole market” and noted,” this is not a money-making project right now.” Roš said that this process is a process that pushes them to think about things they have never thought about before, adding that instead of buying a salad, they can go out and buy dandelions and make a salad with beans and warm vinegar. Roš stated that the reason she finished the studies at 17.00 was that people were away from her family and sad because of this. Successful chef Roš: “It’s very difficult to be a mum to this big group of adult people. A mum who needs to say every single day ‘it’s going to be all right’ when we don’t know.” said. The team was greatly disappointed because of the postponement of 50 Best Restaurants and Michelin star was to be announced on March 12 but it was postponed. Roš stated that group isolation is more difficult than family because we can do whatever we want with the family but with the group that you are boss you always have to be strong and added, “Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes crying loud and having panic attacks. Because I know that I’m going to have to wake up in the morning and give an inspirational speech to 30 people.” The celebrity chef, who is optimistic about the future, thinks Slovenia have been successful in preventing the coronavirus and hopes they can return around May 1. Roš said, “I’m not afraid of my future. I’m maybe afraid about the future of Hisa Franko. I believe when this ends people will just want to go out. They will just need company and an amazing glass of wine. And an amazing meal. I think we’ll go crazy because we’ll have such a need to socialise and to enjoy life.”



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