Bocuse d’Or, the world’s most prestigious gastoronomy competition, begins! There are only two months left until the grand final, which takes place after the country and the intercontinental qualifiers. Talented chefs from all over the world will show their skills to be the ‘best’ in the final of the ‘gastronomy olympics’ Bocuse d’Or.
Organized by Paul Bocuse in 1987, Bocuse d’Or is one of the most presitigious competitions closely followed by the gastronomy world. Bocuse, who wanted to adapt the Olympics in sports to gastronomy, instilled this excitement in the hearts of talented chefs. While Bocuse d’Or winners have the opportunity to work in Michelin-starred restaurants around the world, young chefs see this competitions as a milestone for their careers.
After the country qualifiers, the intercontinental qualifiers are next. Norwegian chef Christian André Petterson came first in the European qualifiers held in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, last year. After the intercontinental qualifiers, talented chefs from many parts of the world will compete for the first place in the grand final held in Lyon, France. There are only 2 months left fort he Grand Final, which will take place on September 26-27, and once again the world of gastronomy was filled with Bocuse d’Or excitement.