Tourlane, one of the leading planning and booking companies, announced a list of the top 50 sustainable locations on World Environment Day on June 5.

Tourlane’s travel experts reviewed the 50-city holiday list in 8 categories: train accessibility, public transport, low car ownership, green space, the proportion of locals to tourists, clean air, renewable energy usage and recycling. Germany’s capital Berlin is the best city for sustainable travel in 2020., while the German-speaking DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) is five cities in the top 10. Vienna ranks 2nd, while Munich is in third place on the list.

European cities rank highest in the “Train Accessibility” category, while cities in Africa, Asia, and South America rank highest in the “Car Free” category, according to Tourlane’s research in the Travel Daily News. Cities in Europe have the greenest space and the cleanest air. Renewable energy is popular around the world, with cities in Africa, Oceania, South America, North America, and Europe in the top 10 for this category. Europe is the best-represented continent overall, with 29 cities in the ranking. Tokyo is the most populous city in this year’s ranking, with approximately 37 million citizens.



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