World-renowned chefs Joan Roca, Jordi Roca, and Josep Roca, known as “Roca brothers”, are opening a restaurant they call “Normal” in Girona, Spain. Regarding the name Normal, which will be opened in the coming months, the brothers stated that they were inspired by the desire for normality and they preferred this name because they wanted […]
World-renowned chef Alain Ducasse collaborated with Japanese saké brewery Shichiken in Yamanashi to create saké to complement its cuisine. Joining forces with the Japanese Shichiken saké brewery, Alain Ducasse sparkling saké is made with water from Hakushu and uses the traditional saké brewing technique. According to Shichiken, silky-smooth saké goes best with Ducasse’s dishes. Priced […]
America’s leading Latin chef Aaron Sanchez shares the story behind his food, family, and professional culinary journey with his readers in his book “Where I Come From”. Known for bringing Mexican cuisine to the New York City food scene, the chef tells his life story in his book before he gained fame on shows like […]