Day: August 12, 2020

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) announced that the World Food Program (WFP) would send 50,000 tons of wheat flour to Beirut to balance Lebanon’s wheat supply. The Reuters report on Friday said Lebanon’s government-held no strategic stockpile of grain before the explosion and all privately held stocks at the country’s […]

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The 3 Michelin-starred Akelaŕe, whose doors were opened by Pedro Subijana with a small team of 8 on July 31st in 1970, celebrated its 50th anniversary. The 3 Michelin-starred Akelaŕe, one of the pioneering restaurants of Spanish gastronomy that received its first Michelin star 8 years after its opening, celebrated its 50th anniversary. The famous […]

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Wine windows used in the days when bubonic plague swept Italy in the 17th century also helped business operators in the COVID-19 pandemic in the 21st century. In the 17th century, when the bubonic plague swept Italy, the wine windows that people used to reduce contact to zero began to be used centuries later by […]

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